I’m Not Lonely, I CHOOSE To Walk Alone 10.3.20 | 1.4.20
I’m not lonely; I became my very best friend, my brother, my sister,
when I didn’t have anybody to talk to.
I choose to walk alone. Some people can drag you down.
It’s hard to trust anyone when you can barely trust yourself.
when I didn’t have anybody to talk to.
I choose to walk alone. Some people can drag you down.
It’s hard to trust anyone when you can barely trust yourself.
I might make this shit look easy; if I could only show you my heart,
you would hand me a first aid kit and a few tears, but don’t worry, those are just scars now—lessons have been learnt. There’s nothing I would change.
you would hand me a first aid kit and a few tears, but don’t worry, those are just scars now—lessons have been learnt. There’s nothing I would change.
I’m not lonely; I’ve got the moon with me at night and the sun at day. It’s not a cloudy day;
it’s a chance to be thankful, you are blessed—you can feel the rain again.
it’s a chance to be thankful, you are blessed—you can feel the rain again.
My heart has always been filled. I was foolish looking for something else to fill it up with.
I’m not lonely, I CHOOSE to walk alone.