The Bended Tree 7.4.15
The bended tree has given me shelter; protected me from the rain.
It used to stand tall; it would reach up to the sky and give me the stars, comets, birds and cotton-candy clouds. Its limbs are not as strong as they used to be; they rest low now. The cracks on its bark are thicker now.
It used to play with me. I would jump from its branches and swing from here to Mars. I didn't understand why it would lose its leaves in the winter, but I do now. I remember the tree house, I remember it with joy.
I would stretch out my arms; my face against the sun; fill my lungs with air; stand proud—he showed me how. I visit the tree once in a while now. Now, it doesn't seem so tall.
I sit with him; I tell him my stories; I remember his stories. Now, I stand tall and proud, and pass along comets, stars and cotton-candy clouds. We tell stories, the bended tree and I.
It used to stand tall; it would reach up to the sky and give me the stars, comets, birds and cotton-candy clouds. Its limbs are not as strong as they used to be; they rest low now. The cracks on its bark are thicker now.
It used to play with me. I would jump from its branches and swing from here to Mars. I didn't understand why it would lose its leaves in the winter, but I do now. I remember the tree house, I remember it with joy.
I would stretch out my arms; my face against the sun; fill my lungs with air; stand proud—he showed me how. I visit the tree once in a while now. Now, it doesn't seem so tall.
I sit with him; I tell him my stories; I remember his stories. Now, I stand tall and proud, and pass along comets, stars and cotton-candy clouds. We tell stories, the bended tree and I.